Villainous Eyes, Welcoming Eyes | Teen Ink

Villainous Eyes, Welcoming Eyes

February 3, 2010
By elizabethkidd BRONZE, Declo, Idaho
elizabethkidd BRONZE, Declo, Idaho
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment that something is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all.

The flashing, red lights outside the bank

seem like angry, villainous eyes,

taunting me and my young family.

8:00, 8:00, -4, -4

She seems so small in my arms

and so unlike others her size.

She doesn’t wear pretty bows or tights.

11:00, 11:00, 6, 6

He is my little man,

my only man since we are now alone.

Years beyond his age,

his childhood lost.

1:00, 1:00, 12, 12

I look at them, my babies.

I wonder why I chose anything over them.

I wonder why he had to leave.

3:30, 3:30, 11, 11

I was young and reckless,

he was too.

Even when I saw my baby’s red curls,

I couldn’t make myself stop.

4:45, 4:45, 9, 9

Now, I have another baby.

No home,

no family,

no job

What am I going to do?

5:00, 5:00, 6, 6

The sky is growing darker, only a tint of pink lingers.

It is a subtle change.

The sun rarely shines through the clouds, anyway.

5:35, 5:35, 3, 3

Now the flashing lights,

a beacon in the dark.

Are welcoming eyes, leading me home.

6:00, 6:00, -1, -1

I walk back to the shelter with its warm beds.

The only thing I can provide.

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