Promises. | Teen Ink


February 3, 2010
By JustAmber. SILVER, Cave Creek, Arizona
JustAmber. SILVER, Cave Creek, Arizona
5 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I once cried because i had no shoes, Then i met a man with no feet."

Every time some one promised they wouldn't leave,
Their back was the last thing I saw.
Every time I was promised not to be hurt anymore,
I was beat and broken, then left to fall.
When promised everything would get better,
All I got from it was pain.
They promised to pull me out from this darkness,
But left when there was nothing to gain.
You ask me why I break promises,
But things can't be broken if they were never real.
Your broken promises led to my broken hopes,
And these broken hopes can not be healed.

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