(This is what) I Am | Teen Ink

(This is what) I Am

February 2, 2010
By Monster_Ziggy SILVER, Wasilla, Alaska
Monster_Ziggy SILVER, Wasilla, Alaska
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I believe that no matter what happens everyone is truly good at heart."-Anne Frank

I am an artist , admire my painting
painted with my own blood
I am an artist, admire my sculpture
carved from my own bones

I am a writer, admire my poetry
words etched into my soul
I am a writer, admire my story
truth and lies purely mine entwine

I am a doctor, watch me mend
all of your wounds of the flesh
I am a doctor, see my failures
bodies without a soul to grasp

I was a lover, listen to my sorrows
for one day they shall be your own
I was a lover, graced no more
by the sickening emotions

I am a child, let me live my life
in simple bliss and solitary peace
I am a child, Help me to grow
to strengthen my soul

I am me, never forget this important statement
for pleading ignorant brands you guilty as charged
I am me, and I will never change not for you not them
because by refusing to conform I will grow stronger

I am hidden, behind these walls i will wait
for the day i grow independent
I am hidden, but painted i am not
still me, no mask, but no face as well

I am spoken word, communication and social growth
without me you could survive but life would not be the same
I am spoken word, Beautiful and unique in my own ways
confusing and possibly hideous in your ignorant closed eyes

This is the beginning, never the end
I promise time will continue for you
This is the beginning, it holds hope
for you and for me , for humanity

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