The Dark Boy | Teen Ink

The Dark Boy

February 1, 2010
By silverwing456 BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
silverwing456 BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
its better tgive than recieve

He sits at the top only wearing black
Writing poems to get his life back
He sits in the corner of a darkroom
looking at the dark sky, basking in the moon
He sits in the back of a classroom
knowing that it won't be over soon
He looks at the people and tries with all his might
To find the person that'll make it all right
He sits in the silence and tries to ease the pain
Trying to hold on to his heart that was slain
He sit in the closet and now he is lost
Inside his mind, inside his thoughts
He sits at the top and close his eyes
To dream a dream where there's no lies
He sits at the top and watch the skies
His mind drifts off and he slowly dies

The author's comments:
i saw this boy who was all alone

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