The Cow | Teen Ink

The Cow

January 30, 2010
By CodyRidenour PLATINUM, Dundee, Oregon
CodyRidenour PLATINUM, Dundee, Oregon
27 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Editing is a writer's most hated best friend."

The Cow!
The majestic cow!
You live your life foraging the ground, making people lose The Game and foraging the ground
You spend your days in the backdrop of society.
Secretly plotting.
No more shall you hide from the world cow!
We know your secrets cow.
We all know them.
We know that late at night you attack and eat passing cars.
You fall off of cliffs to crush cars.
We know that you swim with dolphins in the azure seas.
That you are secretly the ones mutilating the aliens.
We know that it is you, little cow that plan to take over the world in 2012.
We know that you, Mr. Cow were the one who killed Abraham Lincoln and JFK.

You, cow, actually are black, with white spots.
We know that you, and all of your littl’ buddies are secretly the ones controlling the nukes.
Yes, we know it all.
Your cover is blown cow.
The world will be expecting your resignation as a species.
Or will they?

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