Why Teenagers Are Angry | Teen Ink

Why Teenagers Are Angry

January 26, 2010
By Sophie Zhang SILVER, Beijing, Other
Sophie Zhang SILVER, Beijing, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Act like an adult,”
That’s all I ever hear.
But why should I,
When no one treats me like one?
Why should I,
When I am still a child?

“You’re not old enough,”
That’s all I ever hear.
I see things that are so wrong,
But I’m too young to fix them?
But I’m too young to even try
To make a difference in the world?

“You’re grown up now,”
That’s all I ever hear.
I’m old enough to leave my childhood
But did anyone ask me if I was ready?
Did anyone ask me if I wanted to leave?
It was sure as hell better than where I am now.

“What are you going to do with your life?”
That’s all I ever hear.
How would I know, when I’ve only just started?
How would I know, when I don’t know what to think?
How would I know, when I’m all by myself?
My life’s barely begun – and already I’m making decisions.

You ask me why I’m angry
When I think it’s pretty clear.
You tell me this, you tell me that
And then you distance yourself so far
“My teenager’s so angry,”
You tell your friends and laugh.
Did you ever think,
That maybe I’m alone?
That maybe I need your help?
That maybe I can’t do this by myself?

You ask me why I’m angry
And I’ll tell you right here.
You say you understand me
You say you were once one too
But I think you’ve forgotten
What it’s like to be me.
Do you remember what it’s like to be in between?
Do you remember what it’s like to be confused?
Do you remember what it’s like to feel so alone?
Do you remember what it’s like to feel so useless?

And yet – you ask me why I’m angry.

The author's comments:
Adults always ask, "Why are teenagers so angry?"
Here's why.

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