Our Memories | Teen Ink

Our Memories

January 25, 2010
By Logan Neel BRONZE, Chester, Virginia
Logan Neel BRONZE, Chester, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Laughter or tears?
Good times or the bad,..
Darkness or blinding lights
its up to you whether you choose to
walk the path beside me
or maybe you choose to walk the path alone.
if you choose that path
then you can never reach down to hold my hand
and possibly never be able to share funny moments
even sad or angry moments
never be able to share "us" moments again
maybe they brought you gloom
but at the end of the day, did that matter?
or knowing that we loved each other conquered all.
Gorgeous people tempt us with such beauty
Do we give in or not?
Or do these people just not matter?
Knowing our love, our future together...
Does that still matter to you, or would you like to run, run far away?
Will you let me run with you?
Or do you want to go alone...
just think wisely before you choose your path
once you walk without me,
then all you have to keep you company is,
our memories

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