Frost and Plants | Teen Ink

Frost and Plants

January 21, 2010
By Anonymous

Frost will kill the plants
Every week, every day, every hour
Worried gardeners scamper and race
To try to save what they call their own.
Define their variety?
Plastic sheets, boxes, and even tampered cloths

Frost will kill the plants
It may be too late, what should they do?
Heavy mulching with chopped leaves
Tender perennials to cover those
Tender and delicate shrubs that make the
Cool and wet evergreens.

Frost will the plants
No, no, NO! Not anymore
We can save them
Every week, every day, every hour
Frost will NOT kill the plants.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this because one day i was reading the newspaper and i was interested in how plants were frosted in extreme cold weather. the article is called "protect plants against frost" By: Katie Leslie

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