Half and Half | Teen Ink

Half and Half

January 21, 2010
By Kristin.......... BRONZE, Louisville, Ohio
Kristin.......... BRONZE, Louisville, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
When you are not paracticing, remember someone, somewhere is practicing and when you meet them...
They will win.
-Ed (Louisville Speech and Debate team)

One half says
"What ya waitin' for"
The other
"One foot then the next
You have to walk
Then run
Can't shoot the gun
Till you're loaded"
But I'm still pushing inside
To jump then fly
I'm half and half
And losing track
Of who I am
Who I want to be
Or maybe just me
One side says
"Take a chance
Never wait
Just create"
The other
"What will they think
And happen
Don't dive
Till you can swim
I'm torn
So confused
Half and half
But which half to choose?

The author's comments:
This peice I wrote when I felt like I was split in two. I didn't know which way to go so I took it out on poetry....like usual...

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