The Outsider | Teen Ink

The Outsider

January 21, 2010
By roman barnes BRONZE, Lithonia, Georgia
roman barnes BRONZE, Lithonia, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. The hurricane whipped out many homes. There were many families stranded in New Orleans, and a few of them survived. The survivors wee forced to relocate and labeled as refugees. Refugee by definition means “a person who flees for refuge or safety, to a foreign country, as in time of political upheaval or war.” (“”)

Everything is gone.
Nothing is left to call my own.
The house was washed away,
And we don’t have much money.
However these losses are just pixels,
In a disturbing portrait.
Most importantly we lost our homes.
Our native lands.
We are strangers amongst our neighbors.
It is as it the disaster has painted our faces,
With the colors of depression and pain.
We are no longer recognized as citizens.
We lost our identity,
So a new one was forced upon us.
Stripped of all my rights,
I am left cold in a foreign land that was once my own.
Is it our fault that the Levis broke?
And the rivers flooded,
And houses and people were lost?
What if it happened to you?
It could happen to anyone.
I refuse to be an outsider,
In my own home.

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