How We Become | Teen Ink

How We Become

January 21, 2010
By EyesOfDarkness BRONZE, Trenton, Ohio
EyesOfDarkness BRONZE, Trenton, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How do we become what we are?
Is it the clothes we wear?
Is it the shade of our hair?
Whether we wear glasses
Or have perfect eyes
Is it the color of our eyes?
Or the intensity of our stare
Is it the way we talk
Or the things we say
Is it the way we feel?
Or the emotions we hide
Is it the things we like?
Or the people we love
Is it the way we stand
Or the way we present ourselves
How do we become who we are?
Is it the struggles we have gone through?
Is it the tears that have fallen?
Or the blood that has been shed
Is it the scars we can see?
Or the scars that are hidden beneath the skin
Is it the thoughts we have
Or the actions we carry out.
Is it the pain we share?
Or the pain we hide
Is it the fear?
Or the courage
Is it the hate we feel?
Or the love that overcomes that hate
Is it the wrong?
Or the right
How do we become the person,
That looks back at us in the mirror

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