P.E. Day Today | Teen Ink

P.E. Day Today

January 20, 2010
By Anonymous

Ugh, there goes that bell,
1-3-5 day,
I actually like 1-3-5 days,
But I dread the time in my first period,
Physical Education,
To put it in simple words, I'm fat,
According to the scale in my class I'm 265,
But I don't really mind,
I've always been "big",
But I don't like to be reminded about how big I am,
The thing is, I want to try,
But I can't,
My medical record is two pages worth of bones I've managed to break,
Oh, and to put the icing on the cake, I have asthma,
So it pretty much sucks for me,
I have the ability to do athletics,
I just don't have the capability,
But I'm in there until I can run a mile in under 9 minutes and 30 seconds,
Or cut my body-fat down to 27%,
Wish me luck.

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