What You Gave Me | Teen Ink

What You Gave Me

January 20, 2010
By another_teenage_itiot PLATINUM, Huston, Arkansas
another_teenage_itiot PLATINUM, Huston, Arkansas
30 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
Why are we so angry
why are we so sad
we dont need to stare back
at everything we had

Maybe things are getting colder
Let the cold anger smolder
Let me die
‘Cause I know that you lied
You would always claimed that
You loved me
But you always tried
To save me
From the darkness
You gave back to me
‘Cause you tried to make
Me see
When your blind
Inside my mind
Try to keep yourself
In line
When you always thought
Of yourself as divine
you try to shine
A light on me
To try and change me
You cant because
I wont let you
Ill find another
so smother
me with your pillow
‘Cause you cant let go
Of control you never had
Try and tell me what is bad
hold me back
Say what I lack

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