Care to Know | Teen Ink

Care to Know

January 16, 2010
By keepergirl BRONZE, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
keepergirl BRONZE, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The best things can't be seen. That's why you close your eyes when you cry, kiss, and dream."

How can you not know of me?
We walk the same road along the river
To some nameless intention.

You are right there next to me,
Our hands swaying inches apart
As we stroll down the same graveled path.

How can it be
That this closeness I feel
Comes without your realization?

What would I give
To catch a flicker of brown
Cast in my direction?

The soul hidden behind these blue eyes
Is in desperate search for its beautiful love.
Perhaps brought up from the depths of your gaze?

But how do I know who you are,
If you hold no knowledge of my footsteps,
Do you even put an effort forth?

Or, do I not hold your interest?
Shed light, reveal truth, set me free…
Please, tell me.

Do you care to know me?

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