Love Is | Teen Ink

Love Is

January 14, 2010
By Rachel Bachman BRONZE, Chalfont, Pennsylvania
Rachel Bachman BRONZE, Chalfont, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Love is that weird feeling in the pit of your stomach
that something wants to
leap out
and grab onto a precious desire.

Love is rosy cheeks
from blushing,
embarrassment and speechlessness
choking on words and acting like an idiot.

Love is belonging
to that certain someone
and never letting go
of the feeling that you know who you are.

Love is a smile glued to your face
and being drunk with happiness
and holding onto
not a care in the world.

Love is another hand
that fits perfectly in yours
and never wants to leave
its warm grasp.

Love is a bond,
closeness, protection, fearlessness, comfort, and dependency
all wrapped into a package
scribbled with your name in imperfect manuscript.

Love is a shiny silver key
Locking up
The broken doorknob
And sealing its holes and defects from the past.

Love is crying and crying and crying
Cause you just need to
And you say you don’t care at all
Cause you care too much.

Love is the only thing
that can make your heart flame
and sing
and scream
and fly
and hurt
and skip
and cry
all at the same time

Cause its love
And love can do anything it wants

Or maybe
only anything you let it.

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