Into the Woods | Teen Ink

Into the Woods

January 7, 2010
By InfamousK2 BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
InfamousK2 BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Into the Dark
Alone in the woods.
I feel it, I feel it.
Its watching me,
I feel it.
Peering into my soul
Growing closer and closer
I scream Show your self!
No response.
But I feel it, I know its there.
A twig snaps to my left.
I shout, I know your there!
No response. I glance left glance right
But there is no creature in sight.
But I feel it, I know its there.
Suddenly, I sprint towards home
Screaming and shouting.
I dodge my own shadow,
Knowing its there, running and running I feel it.
Closer and Closer, I am almost there.
Finally, I reach my yard porch lights, illuminating my fears.
I sit panting, staring into the woods knowing, knowing it is still there.

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