Hurtful Heart | Teen Ink

Hurtful Heart

January 11, 2010
By Angelic_Dispair GOLD, Riverdale, Maryland
Angelic_Dispair GOLD, Riverdale, Maryland
17 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do not to unto others, what you don't want done to yourself." --Eleanor Roosevelt

My heart is going on an adventure,
passing obstacles every time.
My heart would race and I wonder why,
maybe it's because something caught on as we had gone by.
My heart has found something to grab ahold of,
wondering, it must have came from above.
My heart tells me it's love,
but from an unknown dove.
My heart questions; "Who you suppose it is?",
I reply back "I dont know maybe it's a gift."
My heart replies with a no to the guy,
why would a guy want a girl as shy?
So I take this invitation of love,
knowing my heart may need protection,
In case if things didn't go well,
my ehart may need something in case of rejection,
Time goes by and everything is fine,
sense of vertigo, lost control and fall,
My heart suddenly stops and I lose feelings,
found it on the ground and reject it all.

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