Motherless Child | Teen Ink

Motherless Child

January 5, 2010
By A.Sykes SILVER, Austin, Texas
A.Sykes SILVER, Austin, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We were all young at times
When we use to run to the ice cream truck with quarters and dimes
Asking the driver “is this enough”
And he would say that will do just fine

I remember like it was yesterday
When we didn’t have to initiate we were there by saying “hey”
I would just grab a ball and jump in
And see which of the better teams would win

There was on e family down the street
Their house and no A/C no heat
There were older brothers and sisters, but no mom or dad
Every time I walked into their house, it made me sad

The inside of their house was devastating
The Chihuahua looked like it was at 9 weeks gestating
She lay there at her resting place
Such peaceful eyes and a cold face

They hid their pain so well
But everyone on Walter Street could tell
The smell of mildew was so strong
How could a mother do her seeds so wrong?

Young Chris and Miguel would ask us to play outside
This time the pain was what they couldn’t hide
Their mother had left them with no food
So heartless, mischievous, and cruel
My grandmother provided them with everything they need
They ate it so fast out of hunger and greed.

One day they just disappeared
We all hoped they would reappear, but they didn’t
They vanished into thin air
No one could ever compare

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