Witch Woman | Teen Ink

Witch Woman

January 11, 2010
By MidnightBishop BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
MidnightBishop BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Look out. Beware.
Medusa rears her hideous head.
Watch out. Take care,
Or she'll leave you worse off than dead.
Nothing but a circus show, she amuses the weak
Then bites off their heads when least expected.
Devouring her prey, she lets out a piercing shriek.
Sounds forbidding enough to me
So why do they fall for her lies?
If I were a lethal serpent, I'd spit venom into her eyes.
Maybe then people would not fall for her false innocence.
Medusa will hypnotized you good, that pathological liar,
And she will have you under her spell, caught in her web of barbed wire.

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