Picnic in the Sky | Teen Ink

Picnic in the Sky

December 19, 2009
By capedcadaver SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
capedcadaver SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
7 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Go tell all your friends!
And meet me back here
We’re gonna have a blast!
Bring your favorite food
Cause we’re going to
The picnic in the sky

Let’s go party with the clouds
We’ll dance with the sun
And sing with the birds
Then we’ll skip with the wind
Take my hand and run with me
To the picnic in the sky

Spread the checkered blanket
And sit down next to me
Get out the food basket
And pour the drinks
So we can start eating
At the picnic in the sky

Let our food digest
Then we’ll run ‘cross the sky
Barefoot, and feeling the clouds
Between our naked toes
Come along, let’s not stop
This picnic in the sky

Sun is retreating behind
His friend, the horizon
Taking our breath away
With a beautiful sunset
Giving us a show
With our picnic in the sky

Now the stars are out,
And lining up in
Their constellations
As if it was something
That they practiced
Just for our picnic in the sky

We’ve had such a wonderful
Day here with all our friends
Now with our bellies full
We descend and plan
To invite everyone
For our next picnic in the sky

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