Around the World | Teen Ink

Around the World

December 19, 2009
By TheWriter BRONZE, N/A, North Carolina
TheWriter BRONZE, N/A, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ashore we sit, and gazing out.
Beckoning wave’s barley reach us.
Coastal winds calmly breeze, flowing past our faces.
Deep in Color and depth, the waves ask us to come in.

Encompassed in trees and nature.
Far as the eye can see, the view provides.
Graceful calamity drapes over me.
Heights beyond pure imagination, I am above it all.

It is seen from the skies above.
Justifying beauty with a thriving atmosphere.
Keeping pace with many strangers on a sidewalk I am.
Lights that are following you in any direction.
Mighty structured buildings tower over me as I watch in awe.
Never to sleep, always alive.

Over miles and miles it continues.
Quietly the animals wait in fear of being removed.
Rattling Noises of machines begin to invade.
Safe harbors for animals it is.
Tangling tree, vines act like a wonderland for those who call it home.

Universal it is.
Vacuous, only filled with many stars.
While men try to reach its great boundaries.
Xenophobic we are of what lays ahead.
Youthful in age of understanding how to explore it.
Zealously we strive to reach its outer limits.

The author's comments:
I created this poem to give the reader a sense of adventure. I made sure that each paragraph represented a place somewhere around the world that is not only unique, but captivating.

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