Torn Love | Teen Ink

Torn Love

December 19, 2009
By NataliaKillz SILVER, Wood Dale, Illinois
NataliaKillz SILVER, Wood Dale, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

When we were torn by hate,
The hands that once held yours, bled,
The cheek you once kissed, rotted,
And the skin that lingered with yours peeled revealing my pain.
I was drowning in my tears,
Not able to breath.
You held me down with your heavy hands that
Once were soft and light as a feather.
No more love dwelled in the heart that once loved you.
It was bleeding.
I looked up at you but you have no expression on your face.
You held me down.
I opened my eyes and I was choking.
My heart was no more in rhythm.
I was in my hole.

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