A Wish For Them | Teen Ink

A Wish For Them

December 19, 2009
By Poet_in_Motion PLATINUM, Sharon, Massachusetts
Poet_in_Motion PLATINUM, Sharon, Massachusetts
24 articles 0 photos 40 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love one another." –George Harrison (his last words)

"and down they forgot as up they grew" –e.e. cummings

"The sea is just a wetter version of the sky..." –Regina Spektor

First wish:
A crowd of eager faces, closed tight around
a cake, dotted with spindly candles of artificial colors
that drip hot wax onto the immaculate white frosting
The yellow flames flicker in unison
and with a single breath the wish is propelled through the air.
A wish that they would stay.

Second wish:
A crumpled, wet tissue
along with my crumpled, wet heart,
held limply in my hand
A long dark eyelash appears on my fingertip
as I drag the tears from my eyes,
and I blow it off into oblivion.
A wish that things would be different.

Third wish:
His long fingers
adjusting the clasp of the chain around my neck
so it hangs behind my head.
And him saying to me,
"You can wish on that, you know."
A wish that things would stay the same.

Fourth wish:
Lying on a bed of overgrown grass and overgrown hope
I pluck a wilted dandelion from its place
and twirl it between my fingers, smiling faintly,
and expel a breath upon the tiny, fluttering seeds
and they swirl around me like a cocoon
A wish that we would meet.

Fifth wish:
Spread out across the stubble of her rooftop
Gazing at the clear night sky
Amidst our talking, laughing, singing
A star falls from space to join us.
A wish for more beautiful things.

Last wish:
The same crowd of faces; though some older, some new
closed tight around a cake that is dotted with candles
of more subdued colors
yet still drip wax onto the frosting.
The flames flicker and fizzle out
as I blow a puff of air upon them,
and I watch as all my wishes for them
dance around the kitchen
like smoke.

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