The Fire | Teen Ink

The Fire

December 16, 2009
By JordanHerd BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
JordanHerd BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Black smoke creeps its way out the window cracks
Lethal fumes lick everything in its path
Sparks crackle angrily breaking
The smokes silent warning

The cats hiss at the growing flames
Sirens roar louder and louder
Alerting my heart full speed ahead
My eyes are smudged
Everything is blurred orange and red

Men swiftly pull hoses to
Their urgent destination
Broken glass scattered on
The floor crunching under
The scurrying feet

Shouts and orders run
Back and forth as they
Set on taming the beast

Limp against the fireman’s
Jacket a small fur
Sooted cat lay

My heart throbs

Faint feline hisses breathe
Last gasps of life

I hold onto an arm next
To me like a railing keeping
Me from collapsing on the street

Tears flee from my eyes
Escaping the pain
My dry thirsty lips
Begin to tremble

I expire before
My throat

The author's comments:
We recently had a fire and I felt like it was a memory worth writing about.

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