who are we | Teen Ink

who are we

December 16, 2009
By tialitheapille SILVER, Syrcuase, New York
tialitheapille SILVER, Syrcuase, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What would a painter be without a brush and its motion
How would the sky be blue if it didn’t reflect of the ocean
How could we speak without voice
Is it because we have no choice
Who would a thug be without his gun
What is the moon without the sun
Why does a movie have a sequel
What would the world be without people
What is a poem if nobody could hear it
What is a song without its lyrics
What would a bank be without money
How could a be live without honey
We all get scared of things we’ve never tried before
We all get nervous when it comes to opening up a new door
Some questions will never be answered and some things will never be seen
But one question still remains (who are we)

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