Do you feel like a men? | Teen Ink

Do you feel like a men?

November 5, 2009
By Anonymous

Forced and used me.
Do you feel like a men?
Made me disgsuted in myself.
Can you sleep at night?
That day hunts me,
I can't sleep and I wish I couldn't dream.
Hurt and pain is what I received.
Did you think that you was helping me?
I want to forget.
I hope your hunted at night,
It will constantly hunt me.
Grabbing and roaming hands.
Shallow breathing.
A flash of white as you smile.
Tears sliding down cheeks.
The taste of salt water on my tongue.
A shout ready yo come out.
Pulling away and shaking for you to stop.
I don't want this to happen.
Laughter and ignoring my protests.
Pulling me down.
Tried to run but you pull me back down.
I'm alone.
No one is there to help me.
The sound of someone crying.
A hand placed over my mouth.
Muffled protest.
Pinned down and trapped.
A lift of pressure off me.
Looks of triumph and satisfaction.
Screaming inside.
Touching my hair.
I flinch.
Left alone in the room.
Do you feel like a men for what you did to me?

The author's comments:
To get it out of my system. It hurts to keep it in. I'm already going insane.

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