Definition of a Nobody | Teen Ink

Definition of a Nobody

December 18, 2009
By Filipinowhiteboy BRONZE, Bethesda, Maryland
Filipinowhiteboy BRONZE, Bethesda, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I just can't remember the last time the world ended.

A nobody is somebody whose presence is never acknowledged
A nobody is somebody who is always there for you when you never think of him
A nobody is somebody who has something to say but has no one to listen to him
A nobody is somebody who knows that he is smart and capable yet whose talent is never recognized
because there are more popular people out there that can do it “better” than him
A nobody is a kid whose friends are limited and whose peers see him only as a rock that occupies a
space in time.
A nobody is somebody who should not be anybody

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