In the Mind of a Teenager | Teen Ink

In the Mind of a Teenager

December 14, 2009
By FrasierCraver BRONZE, Houston, Texas
FrasierCraver BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A broken lamp
lies at the base of the open door
which lets inside one inch of light,
creating shadows.

Deep gashes slice through the walls:
jet-black mouths set between twisted blue lips,
perpetually sneering in the darkness.

Wooden building blocks
lie next to
Where The Wild Things Are--
still open to page six.

A once-white rug
banished to the corner
crusts with age.

I sit amid it all, brooding.

Gasoline trickles
and pools
on the floor.

I flick matches and let them

Fire sweeps across the room.

Blocks lie next to book, ablaze
and rug crusts anew
as conflagration rises
to gaping mouths.

The author's comments:
This is a revision of the first poem I ever wrote, which I started about three months ago. As the title implies, it's a description of my mind. This poem is what caused me to fall in love with poetry.

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