How no to be a good neighbor | Teen Ink

How no to be a good neighbor

December 14, 2009
By Ivan Tanev BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
Ivan Tanev BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How not to be a good neighbor
Throw your trash in your neighbor’s yard
Spy on your neighbor; make sure you know his daily activities.
Steal from your neighbor. If you get caught fiercely deny it.
If your neighbor has a pet, feed it all the stuff your neighbor doesn’t want it to eat.
Park your car in front of your neighbor’s house so he can’t drive to work. If he rings on your bell, pretend you’re in deep sleep.
Play loud music when your neighbor is sleeping.
Write strange letters and mail them to your neighbor.
Visit your neighbor during his free time and make sure you waste it.
Call your neighbor sometimes and ask him “What’s your favorite scary movie?”
10. Finally if your neighbor hates you smile at him.

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