A thought | Teen Ink

A thought

December 12, 2009
By Lisblis77 GOLD, Keller, Texas
Lisblis77 GOLD, Keller, Texas
10 articles 6 photos 1 comment

The wonders of the human mind are futile. One thought can emerge from the darkest, deepest, cob-web infested, most untouched place of the back of the mind. Simply lying dormant, waiting until the faint whisper of an influential power upon it to awaken it within ourselves, (some take this phenomenon as their own). If the thought is great enough to past our own standards, and others, this one thought can float on clouds of our own parade, filling the whole brain and body with excitement. Pride starts and this one thought can lead to a chain of more thoughts, producing the perfect, yet always imperfect product that only our mind can produce.
However, some one thoughts can come awake faster than any lightening bolt that will ever strike the earth. It comes in a surprise often with no warning, as if someone popped out of air and poured cold water down your spine and now your whole body is exuberant. Then this one thought can lead to a chain of more thoughts, producing the perfect, yet always imperfect product that our mind can produce.
However, not all one thoughts, are all good thoughts, and not all good one thoughts lead to good ideas, actions, or decisions. What things this beautiful brain receives…
The wonders of the human mind are futile, so use you astounding God given gift with care, and caution.

The author's comments:
The most non scientific way I think thoughts come.

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