poison snow | Teen Ink

poison snow

December 18, 2009
By alzie1992 SILVER, New York, New York
alzie1992 SILVER, New York, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It misted snow after practice today.
Little snowflakes dissolved into water,
Dis-solved problems.
I can remember saying I hate you,
Not to you but at you, and now you ruined it.
I reversed the thoughts in my head,
And you reversed the rain.
But the bits of snow reminded me-
I can wait for frosty weather and it will come,
I can wait for another you,
And eventually, it will come too.
Actually, the more I think and
The less I trust,
You really are just like snow.
You hold a certain fascination I can't explain,
Your words don't make a sound
As they slip over the wet pavement.
Soon, when the weather cools our thoughts and
Hearts, I will get over you.
I can repeat it over and over,
And if I do it enough maybe it will come true.

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