My savior | Teen Ink

My savior

December 17, 2009
By Anonymous

I remember I used to be your world
I used to bring sunshine and laughter to your life.
Your heard my first words and were so overjoyed you cried.
My first steps were like magic
The more I grew,
The more you feel in love.
Elementary School,
Middle School,
And now High School.
Nothing is the same.
The seasons of life have changed once again.
But instead of drifting from Spring to Summer and then to Fall,
I have been pushed right into Winter.
Its cold.
I am unprepared for the journey ahead of me.
I used to think I would have the love and support of my Hero.
But she has left.
Found a new love she calls her son.
But what about your daughter?
Do you remember her?
Does she mean anything to you?
She used to.
But not anymore.

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