Blue, Blue Sky | Teen Ink

Blue, Blue Sky

December 17, 2009
By Anonymous

Little Bird, Little Bird, why do you cry?

What do you see that makes you cry?
“I see the blue, blue sky

With its white, white clouds
Floating in the blue, blue sky.”

Little Bird, Little bird, why do you sigh?

What have I done to make you sigh?
“Your love for me makes me sigh

Your crushing emotions cage me here
Making me sigh, my lonely sigh.”

Little Bird, Little Bird, why must you cry?

What can I do to make those tears dry?
“Free me from this golden cage with no blue, blue sky

Let me free among the white, white clouds
Before I fade with the wind and die, die, die.”

Let me free and no longer will I cry

As I fly freely in the blue, blue sky.

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