What would some people do for love? | Teen Ink

What would some people do for love?

December 4, 2009
By Anonymous

What would some people do for love?
I have witnessed enough to answer that.
Writing a song about their infatuation,
When the coveted significant other did not even notice

What would some people do for love?
Walk all the way to their house.
Travel the long distance by foot
In the pouring rain
Expecting an answer
Expecting a change of heart

Of course your coveted significant other
Would give you the light of day
It was six in the morning
He had better things to do
But when you look like a mess
What else was he supposed to do?

What would some people do for love?
Harm themselves
Their coveted significant other hurt them too much
Anything drastic does not seem to faze them.
The blood that seeps from the cut in their wrist
Is like blood pumping through their infatuated veins

What would some people do for love?
A little too much.

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