Rain in space | Teen Ink

Rain in space

December 1, 2009
By Writers_Are_Awesome GOLD, Yuma, Arizona
Writers_Are_Awesome GOLD, Yuma, Arizona
15 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Rain in space
A man glances at the gather clouds above
He had just lost a love
Suddenly, she was gone like mist
Only leaving a small list

He had been dreaming
Thinking about the love of his life
He could hardly believe he was still breathing
Feeling he could almost reach out and touch his wife

The rain pours, dumping buckets on a bystander
Making the man feel blander
He feels a tear escape his eye
He turns and leaves with a sigh

The rain continues, flooding the Earth
The rain drips out of the atmosphere
No one seems to notice its worth
The water settles in space for another year

Another year, it continues to rain in space

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