Rememberence | Teen Ink


November 30, 2009
By bernie82 BRONZE, Greenville, Delaware
bernie82 BRONZE, Greenville, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am lonely ang grieving
I wonder if anything worse could happen
I hear the ghost of my dad watching over me
I see signs of how he feels of my life
I want him to still be alive
I am lonely and grieving

I pretend I am older than I actually am to be "the man of the house"
I feel that one day tomorrow will never come
I touch the image of the future and I am scared
I worry I will be leaving my kids young when I die
I cry sometimes when I think of my dad
I am lonely ang grieving

I understand that everyone must die sometime
I say "live life to the fullest because you never know what tomorrow will bring"
I dream of meeting family I never had the chance to
I try to get ahead in school
I hope to still remember all this when I am older
I am lonely ang grieving

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