When You Say 'Love' | Teen Ink

When You Say 'Love'

November 27, 2009
By Anonymous

When you tell me you love me,
Do you think of all the things you need to endure?
What if I wasn't a goody - two- shoes?
What if I was a ****?
Could you still look at me
As a beauty
when I wake up by your bedside each morning.
with face unrefined by powder or pamper?
Could you stand me when I need my space
Iscolating myself from the affection you
So willingly throw out to me
Not when I want it,
but when you choose to give it.
Can you endure my mood swings?
The emotions past my collected facade?
What if I was insane?
Who would I be to you
If I flirted with other guys intentionally
Just to see you squirm?
Think again, darling.
When you say you love me
Who exactly do you mean?
Me as a lady;
Or me as I am?

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This article has 1 comment.

cass said...
on Dec. 16 2009 at 4:27 pm
wow this was so good i really loved the mesage the flow the rythym the words you are a great poet :)

cass <3