White Walls | Teen Ink

White Walls

November 29, 2009
By Anonymous

I am in a room.
A white room.
Four walls. All the same.
Where am I? What time is it?
You are know where. There is no time.
I can't breathe. The walls are coming towards me. The room is growing smaller. I am staying the same. All four walls are tumbling on me while I sit and stare. My last thought, " What is out side of these walls?".
I blink.
I open my eyes.
All black.
Where am I?
Is this hell? Or is it just the real world.
Have I been blinded with perfect white walls?

The author's comments:
This piece came to me in my english class. We were told to relax. Think. And then write what we saw in our heads. I had had alot on my mind so I layed on the cold, concrete floor and thought of the world. The world is alot like a cold, concrete floor. It Is Cold and if you fall all it is going to do is shatter you faster. So i thought of how some family are to afraid of letting their children fall on that hard, cold concrete floor. So they keep them inder this tight wing and only let them see what is good in the world, and what can't harm them and what won't shatter them. lies I thought. So I imagined me as one of those children finally breaking free of that wing. opening the door to a perfect room, into the gross, un-perfected basement.

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