Winter Apology | Teen Ink

Winter Apology

November 20, 2009
By Emily S BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
Emily S BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh, how I pity the snow....
To fall from grace,
Like beautiful, abandoned angels.
How I pity the snow....
To have it's sweet, frozen whispers
Breathe graves to emerald life.
How I pity the snow....
To cover the world in a soft blanket of silence,
And lose the fleeting words to say in the spotlight.
How I pity the snow
To be so dazzling, sparkling, but so dull
Against the smothering stars in the sky, glittering brighter.
How I pity the snow....
To arrive but seldom a year
And have its homecoming to be associated
With chilly despair and bitterness,
Until it melts away into icy pools of
Sorrowful tears, forgotten....
Oh, how I pity the snow.

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