Slide | Teen Ink


November 19, 2009
By Karah! BRONZE, Springfield, Missouri
Karah! BRONZE, Springfield, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was driving and I ended here,
I guess it's where I'm s'posed to be.
To an unknown eye, it's some waterslides,
covered in grafitti

It's across from the town's library
and it's been closed for about ten years.
But it's here where I'd lay and watch the stars
and tell you all my fears.

We were scared to die,
but more scared to live,
a life without a meaning.
But I found it there, in the deep blue air
As you layed across from me.

If these walls could talk,
I wonder what they'd tell,
If they'd speak of our memories,
If they'd cry for the night, when we lost the fight
and you walked away from me.

Little did you know,
I turned and followed you,
But you never came back to me.

The author's comments:
I randomly found this and I wrote it a long time ago. I thought it had potential, so here it is.

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