Music To My Ears | Teen Ink

Music To My Ears

November 19, 2009
By Anonymous

Did you know that everything can be described through a song?
But only a good song.
A good song, it one that we relate to,
One that touches the heart.
It means sadness for us,
But happiness for another.
A good song is one that can sooth you in the worst of times.
It is the extra blanket that comforts and keeps you safe from the demons
And the killers.
The heartbreakers, and the abusers.
The forgetting friend.
A good song is a song that understands you,
The best thing in the world.

The author's comments:
My life story could be revealed to me through songs. From each time period in my life, I have specific songs that hold emotions and memories specialized to me. Without music I would not know how to cope. This piece summarized what music does for me.

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