Paint and Feelings | Teen Ink

Paint and Feelings

November 14, 2009
By emilyrose SILVER, Visalia, California
emilyrose SILVER, Visalia, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When you are handed your life and are confused, take it and say "its just you and me now"-emily

Lifes a sorrow,
Not really.
Rejected by it just makes us miserable,
The darkness is our only hope,
Since light doesnt allow us to cope.
When one looks in the mirror and is disgusted,
Its not because of flaws,
But accompanied by guilt.
The light begins to seep through,
Enduring the pain you once flinched.
The walls are covered and paited white,
Not letting the black blankness be discovered.
But its only time and choices
That allows the white to slowly peel and fade,
Revealing whats true, and what you didnt show.

The author's comments:
I was just sitting down and listening to music, so yeah....?

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