Disappointment | Teen Ink


November 12, 2009
By Amelia Williams BRONZE, San Francisco, California
Amelia Williams BRONZE, San Francisco, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Disappointment is a cat falling from the high wire
The freak show Giantess dropping six ounces
The failing grade
Disappointment is not like anger
There is no filling feeling
No ache in the head, no energy to burn
No voice, no sound, no thrashing
No fire
Disappointment is the dry-swallowed pill
The knot of lead
Weighing the limbs of your spirit down farther than the floor
Keeping you still, a vibration of movement coursing under your skin
Cold, wet, heavy
You are still and you are nothing
Nothing to stand up, nothing to breathe out,
Suck the venom, rub with alcohol and emote the pain
Disappointment will drown you in shadows, growing darker,
Your angles softening, melting into the wall
Forgetting success, scrubbing the light off your skin
An army of little disappointed soldiers
Shooting all the good to the ground

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