The Power of Dreams | Teen Ink

The Power of Dreams

November 12, 2009
By Anonymous

no one even knows the pain i feel.
the emotional rollercoaster i ride,
day after day.
a screaming, hurtling roller coaster ride.
the bile rises to my throat,
and i ache to vomit,
to rid myself of the bad feelings,
and the shattered dreams,
and the faded memories,
of who i once was.

i dream of great missions and accomplishments.
they all seem so impossible, a light year away.
could it be true that once upon a time,
i held them within the palm of my hand?
yet i let them slip through the cracks of my fingers,
simply because i wasn’t careful enough.

now, i sit alone and watch the others,
laughing, smiling, and acting happy together.
i wonder how they do it.
how are they so obliviously gleeful,
as others are watching them, suffering.

they still have the chance,
to take a risk, and do something great.
they’re the lucky ones now.
they won’t end up like us.
the rest of us.

so will somebody please warn them
to hold on to their dreams?

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This article has 1 comment.

Suzie17 GOLD said...
on Dec. 7 2009 at 4:05 pm
Suzie17 GOLD, West Monroe, Louisiana
19 articles 0 photos 29 comments
This was beautiful. Some dreams do die, but it's important to keep searching for that one thing you want most, even if it seems far away. Keep writing.