Zombies | Teen Ink


October 4, 2009
By Evaylia Martinez BRONZE, North Pole, Alaska
Evaylia Martinez BRONZE, North Pole, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When you die aren’t you supposed to stay dead?
Aren’t there supposed to be no thoughts in your head?
Maybe it was an electromagnetic wave,
Maybe we just misbehaved,
Because all the dead are rising from the grave.

Everyone is in a panic
Those dang zombies are causing havoc,
But all will be ok for here they come shining like suns,
It’s a big group of people carrying guns.

Out come the zombies as if it’s a horror flick,
But they are stopped in their tracks by a roundhouse kick.
To every humans surprise (with the exception of a tortoise),
There he stood gleaming, it was Chuck Norris.
He gave the zombies such a fright,
They all ran to their grave screaming in the night.

People Trekked through mounds of bloody garbage,
To finds the man who started this carnage.
Then one day he was found in a truck,
Turns out the dead were raised by a duck.
So they told him to reverse it,
When he said he couldn’t they all yelled “CURSE IT!”

And so every night there is a killing spree,
As all the zombies run free.
Well, for the most part…

The author's comments:
I'm 15 and I like in Central Alaska. I'm a sophomore. I decided to write a poem on zombies because they have always intrigued me.

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