The Watchers | Teen Ink

The Watchers

November 2, 2009
By TheJokeThief SILVER, Walnut Creek, California
TheJokeThief SILVER, Walnut Creek, California
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the shadows there is only one thing you can do and that is to watch.
Every person watches over a different type of people.
Whether it be a person who betrays others or a person who bullies.
It’s all the same to us watchers because all we do is watch.
We cannot do anything in the light.
We cannot prevent things from happening because we are ignored.
No one can hear our cries or our pleas.
And even if they do, they will look the other way.
There are people who can pull us out of the shadows but it is only temporarily.
We are grateful if we can be pulled out but even so.
We are still pulled back into the world which we dread the most.
Watchers of the shadows can never be completely free.
Because our job is to watch.
We never had a choice, but it’s not like we had one anyway.
As we continue to watch, we will continue to cry.
As you walk past the shadows, this is what you will see.
A girl with her hands pressed against the barrier crying.
You will hear nothing but you can tell what she’s saying.
She’s shouting “Please help me!!!!!!!!!”

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