Be Smart | Teen Ink

Be Smart

October 30, 2009
By CapitolChamp BRONZE, Minneapolis, Minnesota
CapitolChamp BRONZE, Minneapolis, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Im Not Another Statistic

I drive down the path most taken
Towards a place that ain't home
But is that the right path
I'll never know

Mys tory starts and ends on that path
I never made it through
The obstacles of life came and
stopped me cold
I amde safely around the first
The second one was harder I swerved off trackbut cuaght the wheel and turned it straight
The third on was the hardest I lost all control I'm slipping and sliding my brakes are failing
Im fall down the wrong path
My life's passing me by than I
on the path I took

Beware how you drive yourself through lifecause how you handle the obstacles life gives you could make you or break you or like me your life can crash adn there's no turning back
Be smart, make the right choice
Aviod the obstalces ahead of time before you meet them head on
Oh, one more thing, there's noe rewind in life

The author's comments:
I hope people will understand that even with peer pressure you can still aviod all the negative things if you prepare for them like you prepare for a big test. Cause if your'enot ready fro them your life will crash and it's hard to recover froma big crash remeber that.

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