Not a Friend | Teen Ink

Not a Friend

October 28, 2009
By blind-angel12321 BRONZE, Saskatoon, Other
blind-angel12321 BRONZE, Saskatoon, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
'Good-bye, you say good-bye thinking it will be the last thing we say until tomarrow, Good-bye, i say good-bye knowing it will be the last thing i ever say... good-bye... :(

She was unnoticed
unless they got bored
and used her for a laugh or two
drunk? High? Cutting?
but maybe not.
You see her almost never
and she sees you always
with her body shaking
not from drugs
but from fear
hoping you wont notice her
but you did
using her blade
she falls to the ground
you went too far
she couldn't fight back
not because she was too drunk
but because you
were her friend...

The author's comments:
I wrote this over 6 years ago, i was only 12 at the time. I love it because it shows me how much i've grown in my writing ability through-out the years. :)

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