boards with wheels | Teen Ink

boards with wheels

October 27, 2009
By depressteen BRONZE, Salt Lake City, Utah
depressteen BRONZE, Salt Lake City, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
you were only given this life because your strong enough to live it-Me

Tasting asphalt as I fall with pain.
Eating cement because I can’t
find inner balance.
Tasting blood as it slowly drips from my
open wound.
Tasting sweat as it beads and slowly slides
down my face.

Listening to hardened plastic spinning and grinding
against the sk8rs enemy…asphalt.
Hearing screams and cries of agony and pain.
Hearing wood being broken out of anger.
Listening to people yell out of anger and scream
because they failed.
Listening to excitement and joy and laughter.

Seeing people curled up in a ball with blood streaming
from their knees and hands while they scream with pain.
Seeing people fly elegantly across a gap.
Watching the sun go up and then back down
while I remain where I am….at a skate park
with my best friend MY skateboard.

The author's comments:
what inspired me was basically what it talks about i got a killer new deck i tricked it out with pink and black checkered trucks and black wheels i was so excited to go out and try and when i did well it was a killer ride.

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