Generation Gap | Teen Ink

Generation Gap

October 21, 2009
By Ashley Hightower BRONZE, Kalispell, Montana
Ashley Hightower BRONZE, Kalispell, Montana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There seems to be this gap,
This difference between the ages.
But take a minute, step back
And let’s turn back the pages.

For generations and generations, parents and kids have fought -
We fight over music, movies, hair, and clothes
Dating, sex, and television shows.
We don’t get along with our parents -
Did they ever get along with theirs?

We all move on, we all grow up.
But if all teens are the same,
Why do they even give us names?
Every adult tells us we’re alike
Little do they know, in one way or another,
We differ from each other.
If only they could see we’re not all the same.

None of us want to grow up.
So this hate, this anger between the ages,
Actually comes from us both.

As a teen, we screw up.
We like to learn the hard way.
We regret that class we skipped
When we finish with an “F”.
We forgot that warning…
You know stay away from drugs.
We won’t turn down the music.
Who cares if I can hear in fifty years?
Every one rides in cars with boys.
Why would we listen when you warn us?
The next step could be baby toys.

But really this generation gap is regret -
It’s just wearing a disguise.
Adults look back at lessons they ignored,
And they want to be able to go back
Every one wants to change a few things.
And what a better way
Than doing it through us teens.

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